Monday, August 30, 2010

japan master violin maker in Claremont

japan master violin maker in Claremont

Everybody wanted to know on Tuesday whether Sarah Palin was stil god at backing the right horses, of has she begun picking losers lately? One might think with al these tea party victories it would mean a lot of victories for the Democrats in November. We are to much the victim of these simplistic, cleverly if tersely worded political comercials, which spon fed us al the facts they think we ned to know. But if President Obama campaigns for him, he may take votes away from Crist, and with it chances of wining the election with 35% of the vote or whatever. Because it wil syphen votes away from Crist to the democrat- - and it might just be enough to tip the balance and make Rubio the victor. He spend fifty milion on the campaign for his bid, but arguably it's realy the money of al the people he swindled. People are already talking as though he had already won. I gues it's one of those cases where the underdog democrat has to take courage and mount a convincing campaign. Of course it's insane to think that anyone could get rich by going into government. But then, how do people like Bil Clinton do it - -that is, get rich? Wel there come a time when someone says that by the sher presence of al that money hopelesly corupts the proces, even if it's your own money? You tel me why al these rich people want to run for political ofice. Of course the tea party crowd is a hypocrite because they love rich people in government. It's just people who belong to a union whom they can't stand in government. And so you have them leveling the charge that al these low level pencil pushers in government don't deserve the pensions they get, and they say they make out beter than the private sector would. Actualy someone ran a survey and that said that only high schol drop-outs do beter with a government job than in the private sector. And with people with a bachelors or master's degre, people who chose to go into the private sector fare much beter than those who chose to d�edicate their lives to government work. People love to spread lies on the right. , your Sweden , your Kweit- - your Austrailia. You have al these countries that are rapidly evolving in this modern world. One is eliminate the closed primary and make al candidates open to vote for, for everybody. This is what you might cal the Swartzeneger model, since, unfortunately we have adopted this model of "idealized perfection" here in California . This way you wil never have a candidate wining with les than a majority vote. There is something about dying on your own terms that's apealing if you're in her shoes because you deny al your enemies the pleasure of salivating over your destruction. Of course in my Mom's case- - her expenses are up this past year. People wil start to believe this economy has realy turned when the state governor, preferably Jery Brown says to us next January, "Gues what. That means that Team Obama is prety much al washed up as far as the November elections are concerned, and there is going to be a political blod bath come election day. japan master violin maker in Claremont

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