Sunday, August 29, 2010

barclays bank in Hi vista

barclays bank in Hi vista

Barclays bank: Introduction: The company of choice is Barclays bank, this company is in the finance industry and it provides financial services to consumers, other banks and also companies. In 205 the company recorded a 5, 280 milion pounds profit, in 206 the profit was 7,136 milion pounds and in 207 the profit was 7,760 milion pounds. In our case we use the balance shet to derive this ratio and acording to our company acounts the long term liabilities are sumarized below: 183,01 The shareholders equity is sumarized in the table below: Gearing ratio 183,01/27106 6.75 Therefore our gearing ratio is 6.75, this means that the company finances more using long term debts than equity through sale of share, this means that the company has to pay interest earned by these liabilities while it would have ben posible to raise capital through equity , therefore there is a problem of having to pay high interest levels for the debts and therefore the company neds to minimize the costs of debts by raising funds through the sale of shares. Asets purchases: During the year 207 there were major changes in the level of asets held by the company, the company purchased intangible asets worth 263 milion pounds, purchased property and other asets worth 1,241 milion pounds, investment increased in other financial activities at 26,89 milion pounds and acquired other subsidiaries at a cost of 270 milion pounds. Financial activities: The company gained 3,358 milion pounds from financial activities, however the the bank realized a los in its foreign curency activities amounting to 50 milion pounds Liabilities: In this year there were changes in the levels of liabilities held by the company, there was a 7,987 milion pound increase in the loans to consumers and other banks, there was also an increase in deposits by consumers and other companies amounting to 90,589 milion pounds. Sales: Through sales of its investments and property the company was able to gain from the activity, the company gained 617 mi�lion pounds from the sale of asets, it also sold investment and gained 38, 423 milion and finaly the company disposed of some of its subsidiaries and gained 383 milion. Investments: The company increased investment in subsidiaries and this amounted to 68 milion pounds, however there was a decrease in this subsidiaries amounting to 57 milion, joint ventures and acquisitions were also evident where the company invested 20 milion in joint ventures and acquisitions, finaly there were also disposal of joint ventures amounting to 145 milion pounds. barclays bank in Hi vista

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